Ingredients In Plexus ProBio5 And How They Work
Plexus ProBio5 is a a high quality probiotic and so much more!
A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. A probiotic is also referred to as the “friendly”, “beneficial”, or “good” bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.
A healthy lower intestine should contain at least 85% friendly bacteria to prevent the over colonization of disease causing micro-organisms like E. coli and salmonella. Our colon can maintain its health with 15% unfriendly bacteria, if the body contains at least 85% probiotic friendly bacteria. Most people have this percentage reversed.
New research is establishing how important the supplementation of probiotics can be for a variety of conditions. Probiotics enhance the immune system by favorably altering the gut micro-ecology and preventing unfriendly organisms from gaining a foothold in the body. They prevent the overgrowth of yeast and fungus and produce substances that can lower cholesterol.
Why does Plexus put enzymes in ProBio5? Yeast and fungal organisms are comprised of proteins, chitin, and cellulose structures. Proteins are broken down by protease enzymes, and cellulose is broken down by cellulase. The chitin structure can only be processed in the presence of the chitinase (chitosinase) enzyme. The enzyme profile in ProBio5, which is micro encapsulated, is designed to process away the protein-based outer layer of yeast and fungal organisms. This then exposes the interior of these organisms to the cellulose of the chitosinase in the ProBio5. Enzymes are efficient and effective in the destruction of yeast and fungi.
So now let’s take a close look at the Ingredients and Benefits of Plexus Probio5:
ProBio5 Friendly Flora In addition to enzymes, ProBio5 contains very beneficial “friendly bacteria” that assists in supporting the body’s need for a balance of probiotics (micro flora) in the digestive tract. This “friendly bacteria” is delivered in a micro-encapsulation system to ensure that they reach their intended destination in the digestive tract to help rebuild the damage done by the yeast and fungi overgrowth.
Vitamin B6 The probiotics and enzymes in ProBio5 are assisted by the addition of vitamin B6. B6 is required by enzymes involved in protein metabolism and is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. In addition, vitamin B6 helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. A well oxygenated body is resistant to yeast and fungi.
Grape Seed Extract One of the most powerful of the antioxidants that will fight free radicals. It is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times stronger than vitamin E. Grape seed extract is a potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory substance. Grape seed extract has been extensively researched in universities around the world.
ProBio5 Probiotics Without sufficient probiotics, your body’s nutrient absorption is impaired; this can result in producing an environment that is supportive of yeasts and fungi growth. ProBio5 contains five powerful probiotics:
Lactobacillus Sporogenes, L. Acidophilus, L. Plantarum, B. Longum and S. Boulardii.
How may CFUs are in ProBio5?
At the time of manufacture, there are 2 billion probiotic live cells in 1 capsule of ProBio5.
Bacillus Sporogenes is a spore forming probiotic that is able to survive the manufacturing process and caustic stomach acid so it can establish itself in the intestinal tract. Bacillus Sporogenes requires no refrigeration; it has a 50 year history of safe use. Bacillus Sporogenes produces the preferred form of lactic acid which is capable of releasing energy to resynthesize ATP without the involvement of oxygen and is called anaerobic glycolysis.
Lactobacillus — Lactobacilli are bacteria that normally live in the human small intestine and vagina. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is generally considered to be beneficial because it produces vitamin K, lactase, and anti-microbial substances such as acidolin, acidolphilin, lactocidin, and bacteriocin.
L. Acidophilus — This is a powder form of the normal, friendly bacteria that live in our intestines (called flora). Taking acidophilus replenishes our bacterial flora and reduces overgrow of yeast, especially some bacteria which grows well in an acid medium.
L. Planterum — is derived from sour dough and has been demonstrated to improve the recovery of patients with enteric bacterial infections. This bacterium adheres to reinforce the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, thus preventing the attachment of the pathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall.
B. Longum — One of the most important residents in the human gastrointestinal tract, B. Longum keeps the digestive system running smoothly, blocks the growth of harmful bacteria and boosts the immune system. The organism ferments sugars into lactic acid and has many health benefits for humans. It is often the dominant bacterium found in humans. It is a Gram-positive, anaerobic, branched rod-shaped bacterium. Researchers have identified a number of proteins that are specialized to help B. Longum interact with the human host and persist against harmful bacteria. Future research will now look closely at which genes allow B. Longum to live in different environments such as dairy products, vegetables and the human gastrointestinal tract.
S. Boulardi — The intestinal micro flora are important for maturation of the immune system, the development of normal intestinal morphology, and in order to maintain a chronic and immunologically balanced inflammatory response. The micro flora reinforces the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, helping in the prevention of the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms and the entry of allergens. Some members of the micro flora may contribute to the body’s requirements for certain vitamins, including biotin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B12.
Why Do We Need Probiotics?
Two of the most damaging substances to the delicate intestinal flora balance are chlorine and sodium fluoride, present in most treated city water, and thus also present in most beverages which one gets at restaurants. The drinking of alcoholic beverages also contributes to the destruction of the intestinal flora. Medical antibiotics, birth control pills and many other allopathic drugs cause damage to the intestinal flora and to the tissue in the intestinal wall.
Poor eating habits, chlorinated drinking water, stress and disease and the use of antibiotics in food production as well as in medical treatments can wreak havoc in the gastrointestinal tract by destroying good bacteria and allowing undesirable bacteria to multiply. When the ratio of good bacteria to bad is lowered, problems begin to arise such as excessive gas, bloating, constipation, intestinal toxicity and poor absorption of nutrients.
While it’s true that non-beneficial bacteria are naturally occurring in the intestinal tract, problems begin when their growth goes unchecked and probiotics play an especially important role in keeping in check the pathogenic bacteria that cause disease.
A good probiotic supplement will contain millions and millions of live bacteria to bolster and replenish levels of the health promoting good bugs in your digestive tract. Once there, these probiotic reinforcements join forces with the existing friendly bacteria to help inhibit the growth of more harmful microbes.
This, in turn, will help improve the digestion and absorption of your food and stimulate and support the immune system.
Probiotics are widely recommended for the treatment of Candida overgrowth—a fungal infection—because they establish large, healthy populations of friendly bacteria that compete with the Candida that is trying to take up residence in the intestine. Probiotics are also essential in the treatment and prevention of thrush, vaginal yeast infections, and athlete’s foot. Good health depends fundamentally upon the more than 400 types of friendly, symbiotic bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract.
Order Your ProBio5 Today!
Plexus ProBio5 is a a high quality probiotic and so much more!
A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. A probiotic is also referred to as the “friendly”, “beneficial”, or “good” bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.
A healthy lower intestine should contain at least 85% friendly bacteria to prevent the over colonization of disease causing micro-organisms like E. coli and salmonella. Our colon can maintain its health with 15% unfriendly bacteria, if the body contains at least 85% probiotic friendly bacteria. Most people have this percentage reversed.
New research is establishing how important the supplementation of probiotics can be for a variety of conditions. Probiotics enhance the immune system by favorably altering the gut micro-ecology and preventing unfriendly organisms from gaining a foothold in the body. They prevent the overgrowth of yeast and fungus and produce substances that can lower cholesterol.
Why does Plexus put enzymes in ProBio5? Yeast and fungal organisms are comprised of proteins, chitin, and cellulose structures. Proteins are broken down by protease enzymes, and cellulose is broken down by cellulase. The chitin structure can only be processed in the presence of the chitinase (chitosinase) enzyme. The enzyme profile in ProBio5, which is micro encapsulated, is designed to process away the protein-based outer layer of yeast and fungal organisms. This then exposes the interior of these organisms to the cellulose of the chitosinase in the ProBio5. Enzymes are efficient and effective in the destruction of yeast and fungi.
So now let’s take a close look at the Ingredients and Benefits of Plexus Probio5:
ProBio5 Friendly Flora In addition to enzymes, ProBio5 contains very beneficial “friendly bacteria” that assists in supporting the body’s need for a balance of probiotics (micro flora) in the digestive tract. This “friendly bacteria” is delivered in a micro-encapsulation system to ensure that they reach their intended destination in the digestive tract to help rebuild the damage done by the yeast and fungi overgrowth.
Vitamin B6 The probiotics and enzymes in ProBio5 are assisted by the addition of vitamin B6. B6 is required by enzymes involved in protein metabolism and is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. In addition, vitamin B6 helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. A well oxygenated body is resistant to yeast and fungi.
Grape Seed Extract One of the most powerful of the antioxidants that will fight free radicals. It is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times stronger than vitamin E. Grape seed extract is a potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory substance. Grape seed extract has been extensively researched in universities around the world.
ProBio5 Probiotics Without sufficient probiotics, your body’s nutrient absorption is impaired; this can result in producing an environment that is supportive of yeasts and fungi growth. ProBio5 contains five powerful probiotics:
Lactobacillus Sporogenes, L. Acidophilus, L. Plantarum, B. Longum and S. Boulardii.
How may CFUs are in ProBio5?
At the time of manufacture, there are 2 billion probiotic live cells in 1 capsule of ProBio5.
Bacillus Sporogenes is a spore forming probiotic that is able to survive the manufacturing process and caustic stomach acid so it can establish itself in the intestinal tract. Bacillus Sporogenes requires no refrigeration; it has a 50 year history of safe use. Bacillus Sporogenes produces the preferred form of lactic acid which is capable of releasing energy to resynthesize ATP without the involvement of oxygen and is called anaerobic glycolysis.
Lactobacillus — Lactobacilli are bacteria that normally live in the human small intestine and vagina. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is generally considered to be beneficial because it produces vitamin K, lactase, and anti-microbial substances such as acidolin, acidolphilin, lactocidin, and bacteriocin.
L. Acidophilus — This is a powder form of the normal, friendly bacteria that live in our intestines (called flora). Taking acidophilus replenishes our bacterial flora and reduces overgrow of yeast, especially some bacteria which grows well in an acid medium.
L. Planterum — is derived from sour dough and has been demonstrated to improve the recovery of patients with enteric bacterial infections. This bacterium adheres to reinforce the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, thus preventing the attachment of the pathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall.
B. Longum — One of the most important residents in the human gastrointestinal tract, B. Longum keeps the digestive system running smoothly, blocks the growth of harmful bacteria and boosts the immune system. The organism ferments sugars into lactic acid and has many health benefits for humans. It is often the dominant bacterium found in humans. It is a Gram-positive, anaerobic, branched rod-shaped bacterium. Researchers have identified a number of proteins that are specialized to help B. Longum interact with the human host and persist against harmful bacteria. Future research will now look closely at which genes allow B. Longum to live in different environments such as dairy products, vegetables and the human gastrointestinal tract.
S. Boulardi — The intestinal micro flora are important for maturation of the immune system, the development of normal intestinal morphology, and in order to maintain a chronic and immunologically balanced inflammatory response. The micro flora reinforces the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, helping in the prevention of the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms and the entry of allergens. Some members of the micro flora may contribute to the body’s requirements for certain vitamins, including biotin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B12.
Why Do We Need Probiotics?
Two of the most damaging substances to the delicate intestinal flora balance are chlorine and sodium fluoride, present in most treated city water, and thus also present in most beverages which one gets at restaurants. The drinking of alcoholic beverages also contributes to the destruction of the intestinal flora. Medical antibiotics, birth control pills and many other allopathic drugs cause damage to the intestinal flora and to the tissue in the intestinal wall.
Poor eating habits, chlorinated drinking water, stress and disease and the use of antibiotics in food production as well as in medical treatments can wreak havoc in the gastrointestinal tract by destroying good bacteria and allowing undesirable bacteria to multiply. When the ratio of good bacteria to bad is lowered, problems begin to arise such as excessive gas, bloating, constipation, intestinal toxicity and poor absorption of nutrients.
While it’s true that non-beneficial bacteria are naturally occurring in the intestinal tract, problems begin when their growth goes unchecked and probiotics play an especially important role in keeping in check the pathogenic bacteria that cause disease.
A good probiotic supplement will contain millions and millions of live bacteria to bolster and replenish levels of the health promoting good bugs in your digestive tract. Once there, these probiotic reinforcements join forces with the existing friendly bacteria to help inhibit the growth of more harmful microbes.
This, in turn, will help improve the digestion and absorption of your food and stimulate and support the immune system.
Probiotics are widely recommended for the treatment of Candida overgrowth—a fungal infection—because they establish large, healthy populations of friendly bacteria that compete with the Candida that is trying to take up residence in the intestine. Probiotics are also essential in the treatment and prevention of thrush, vaginal yeast infections, and athlete’s foot. Good health depends fundamentally upon the more than 400 types of friendly, symbiotic bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract.
Order Your ProBio5 Today!