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Thursday, December 27, 2012
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Pink Is The Color That Dreams Are Made Of!: Discount on Membership Fee to Join Plexus!: It is officially weight loss season…. Would you like to get paid to lose weight ? That happens with Plexus … Gather up a couple o...
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Pro Bio 5 And Candida
Pro Bio 5 And Candida
More and more Medical Doctors are starting to realize the importance of controlling the amount of Candida in their patients bodies. This isn’t just a silly notion that Natural Health Practitioners are just throwing around anymore and thank goodness. Candida overgrowth can have serious effect on your physical and mental health. Have you ever wondered if taking a Probiotic would help but think that it is just the next craze (like the acai berry)? Even if you did take one, how would you know if the quality is really good? What about really defining if you do have Candida Overgrowth… what does that entail?
Here are some symptoms of Candida overgrowth that you may want to go through:
- blisters in the mouth
- bloating
- heartburn
- constipation
- diarrhea
- fatigue drowsiness
- lack of concentration
- mood swings
- headaches
- bad breath
- arthritis or joint swelling
- muscle aches
- irritability
- depression
- sweet cravings
- mood swings
- cold hands and feet
- numbness and tingling
- asthma
- multiple allergies
- eczema or psoriasis
- spots in front of the eyes
- ear pain
- hives and rashes
- fingernail and/or toenail infections
- itching or burning eyes
- prostatitis
- frequent urination
- bladder infections
- impotence
- vaginal itching or burning
An issue here that we need to recognize is that if you suffer from any one of these, Doctors or Big Pharmaceutical companies have something you can take for it either by prescription or over the counter means. What is NOT being addressed is the larger underling issue that you body is being taken over by a bunch a bad bacteria… Candida (Yeast).
Remember that commercial for DanActive? It said that 76% of your immune system is located in your intestines? Well, that number can be debated between 70 and 80% but I think you can get an understanding how important it may be to make sure you have a healthy gut. No I am not talking about how it looks on the outside… skinny and fit does not always mean healthy.
If you ignore these symptoms as a sign of your immune system being compromised, you may exposing yourself to disease. Our bodies capabilities to handle all that we put it through astounds me everyday. Even environmental factors such as air pollution and poor water quality that we as individuals have little control over… our bodies keep on tickin’.
There is only so much our bodies can handle though. That is why it is important for us to control what we can, when we can. Obviously we don’t need to be perfect human vessels to survive but if we want any type of longevity, we need to tend to our needs. With all the horrible stuff out in the world… we need to take really, really good care of our intestines… our GUT.
What can you do about it now? Well, take a simple test…
saliva test for candida
Yes indeed, all you need is a glass of water first thing in the morning before ANYTHING and your saliva. First thing in the morning spit into a glass of water. If your spit remains floating in a nice, cohesive “blob”, you’re probably pretty much Candida-free. However, if after a few minutes, your spit begins to develop long strand-like tendrils that dissolve down into the water, or if your spit spreads out over the surface of the water, you probably have a Candida condition.
I take probiotics everyday before I go to bed and of course I am extremely partial to Plexus’ ProBio 5. I believe it to be one of the best on the market. Phillips in the grocery store… not so much. There are others to consider (although why bother… te he) such as Udo’s Super 8. To read more about Udos, click here. Or as I have mentioned in previous posts, Dr. Mercola is amazing and I support all of his products. For Dr. Mercola, click here.
Here is a list of what is in the ProBio 5 I take and love so much…
Why put enzymes in ProBio5?Yeast and fungal organisms are comprised of proteins, chitin, and cellulose structures. Proteins are broken down by protease enzymes, and cellulose is broken down by cellulase. The chitin structure can only be processed in the presence of the chitinase (chitosinase) enzyme. The enzyme profile in ProBio5, which is micro encapsulated, is designed to process away the protein-based outer layer of yeast and fungal organisms. This then exposes the interior of these organisms to the cellulose of the chitosinase in the ProBio5. Enzymes are efficient and effective in the destruction of yeast and fungi.
ProBio5 Friendly Flora In addition to enzymes, ProBio5 contains very beneficial “friendly bacteria” that assists in supporting the body’s need for a balance of probiotics (micro flora) in the digestive tract. This “friendly bacteria” is delivered in a micro-encapsulation system to ensure that they reach their intended destination in the digestive tract to help rebuild the damage done by the yeast and fungi overgrowth.
Vitamin B6 The probiotics and enzymes in ProBio5 are assisted by the addition of vitamin B6. B6 is required by enzymes involved in protein metabolism and is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. In addition, vitamin B6 helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. A well oxygenated body is resistant to yeast and fungi.
Grape Seed Extract is one of the most powerful of the antioxidants that will fight free radicals. It is 20X more powerful than vit C and 50X stronger than vit E. Grape seed extract is a potent anti -viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory substance. Grape seed extract has been extensively researched in universities around the world.
ProBio5 Probiotics Without sufficient probiotics, your body’s nutrient absorption is impaired; this can result in producing an environment that is supportive of yeasts and fungi growth. ProBio5 contains five powerful probiotics: Lactobacillus Sporogenes, L. Acidophilus, L. Planterum, B. Longum and S. Boulardi.
Bacillus Sporogenes is a spore forming probiotic that is able to survive the manufacturing process and caustic stomach acid so it can establish itself in the intestinal tract. Bacillus Sprogenes requires no refrigeration; it has a 50 year history of safe use. Bacillus Sporogenes produces the preferred form of lactic acid which is capable of releasing energy to resynthesize ATP without the involvement of oxygen and is called anaerobic glycolysis.
Lactobacillus – Lactobacilli are bacteria that normally live in the human small intestine and vagina. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is generally considered to be beneficial because it produces vitamin K, lactase, and anti-microbial substances such as acidolin, acidolphilin, lactocidin, and bacteriocin.
L. Acidophilus – This is a powder form of the normal, friendly bacteria that live in our intestines (called flora). Taking acidophilus replenishes our bacterial flora and reduces overgrow of yeast, especially some bacteria which grows well in an acid medium.
L. Planterum – Derived from sour dough (used to ferment sauerkraut and salami) has been demonstrated to improve the recovery of patients with enteric bacterial infections. This bacterium adheres to reinforce the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, thus preventing the attachment of the pathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall.
B. Longum – One of the most important residents in the human gastrointestinal tract, B. Longum keeps the digestive system running smoothly, blocks the growth of harmful bacteria and boosts the immune system. The organism ferments sugars into lactic acid and has many health benefits for humans. It is often the dominant bacterium found in humans. It is a Gram-positive, anaerobic, branched rod-shaped bacterium.
Researchers have identified a number of proteins that are specialized to help B. Longum interact with the human host and persist against harmful bacteria. Future research will now look closely at which genes allow B. Longum to live in different environments such as dairy products, vegetables and the human gastrointestinal tract.
S. Boulardi – The intestinal micro flora are important for maturation of the immune system, the development of normal intestinal morphology, and in order to maintain a chronic and immunologically balanced inflammatory response. The micro flora reinforces the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, helping in the prevention of the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms and the entry of allergens. Some members of the micro flora may contribute to the body’s requirements for certain vitamins, including biotin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B12.
The point being, whether you order from here or not… pretty, pretty please take a huge consideration in implementing Probiotics in to your regiment. It could help save you from a variety of auto immune disorders, arthritis, cancer, the common cold and many many more that derive from a weakened immune system
Sunday, December 2, 2012
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